Updating Duplicate Matching Results

Find true duplicate files, byte for byte, anywhere, regardless of file name and date/time. Clean up your drive of duplicate files.
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Updating Duplicate Matching Results

Post by ballista »

A technique I sometimes use with CloneMaster is to have it do its search restricted to "*1.jpg" but then from the results (if the filenames match and I think the contents of the folder(s) are an entire album) I will open the "Containing Folder"s and then move the contents of one folder into the other using another program that will ensure no duplicates move. They get deleted in the move. Complicated I know. But, the search/dup check goes very fast since it only looks at every 10th file. Also, this gives me some level of assurance that I'm not left with a folder with one or two etc files /orphans from an album.

I use other techniques to get at files that don't have matching names.

The problem is that CloneMaster does not update the duplicate list for those files/folders I do "manually". Those results remain with one file having values for file size/type/date and the other(s) having blanks for file size/type/date. CloneMaster knows something has happened which is promising. Is there anyway, short of redoing the search/dup check, to force CloneMaster to update and show only the remaining matches? Am I missing something?

I realize this question/request very likely only applies to me and my methodology, but any help would be appreciated.
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Re: Updating Duplicate Matching Results

Post by Support »

The list of files is a Windows shell interface and Windows do the updating of the file's date/size. However, the list does not alert CloneMaster of any file changes. I suppose we could implement this in a future release. Have you tried our Comparator software? it does compare two folders and will report any missing files, duplicate files and other things. It may be just what you need instead.
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