Thanks for your post Chris. However, for me, I only use Edge as Firefox is not reliable for me. Edge never once gave me problems, but again, as a computer guy, I always get into the settings of my apps, Edge included, and turn off many things. For Edge, I reduce the cache to 100mb because I really don't see it being necessary for more with fast internet. I turn off things that send Microsoft error repots or anything to "enhance" the product, like collecting, participating etc. In Windows itself, I go into the scheduler and turn off the same stuff. My PC runs fast and I always have 85%+ free memory, even when loading a huge model, it may go down to 81%
The problem we are facing today is not the app itself but the use of the default settings. That's for all apps. Starting with the Windows Scheduler, disable unnecessary stuff. Then for each of your apps, do the same. When you install apps, never use the default installation, always use custom installation so you can install only relevant items. One more important thing is the anti-virus. Change the settings too and use the right one. Norton is horrible and so as most of them. The only one that has never, not even once, interfered with an app or gave me problems in Comodo anti-virus. It's very solid and does the job perfectly.
Use the task manager to see what's running and terminate the ones that are not supposed to be there, like a stuck app. Also, go into the services and disable anything that is not system or needed, like quality control and stuff like that.
Knowing how to do all this will make your PC much faster, uses much less memory and Edge works perfectly, contrary to all these Internet Explorer and Edge haters

oh, and use AdBlocker Ultimate, gets rid of all ads on YouTube, Facebook, X (Twitter) and everywhere else, and it's free.