The fall of the "Danara's Revenge"

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The fall of the "Danara's Revenge"

Post by Okwa »

I have already posted this image in the "Let's celebrate" thread. But as I said there, here it is again as a separate entry, with the background story. And you can thank @Support for the long text. Michael not only motivates me to create better and better renderings, but also to write better texts. But that also makes them longer. :lol: ;) :salute :

Following the dissolution of the "Golden League of Danara", a small interstellar nation, for violating " 1st Article of the Intergalactic Criminal Code: planned crimes against the galaxy and preparation of a galaxy-wide genocide", by a multinational interstellar alliance, the Shajaf Tel – Goa'uld = Golden Fleet – was also disbanded. Due to their antiquated technology, the ships of the Golden Fleet were classified as civilian ships and not as warships by Stargate Command, the DeSCa peacekeeping force responsible for the control of Danara after the occupation. Therefore, the new government of Danara decided not to scrap the ships, but to try to cover the costs caused by the reforms, which Danara had been sentenced to by the Intergalactic Court after the occupation, by selling the ships.

The majority of the roughly 1000 ships were purchased by water enthusiasts from all over the galaxy as well as small cargo companies. It is no coincidence that Danara's spaceships were designed to resemble ancient reed boats. The ships were directly inspired by this time-honored model - at the time of the occupation, reed ships were still used on Danara. Furthermore, the Golden League never had orbital shipyards, with the exception of the Ka space station around Danara itself, which was only completed five years before the occupation by the intergalactic powers. Instead, the ships of the Golden Fleet had been built like conventional watercraft in the shipyards on the great rivers and lakes of Danara. Consequently, all ships of the Golden Fleet were also fully functional as watercraft.

Private individuals from all over the galaxy who enjoyed traveling by water purchased these spaceships to pursue their hobby on various worlds. Freight companies also acquired these ships in order to be able to handle cargo independently of spaceports on all worlds where waterways such as rivers, lakes and seas were available. Although the ships of the Golden Fleet were relatively small and therefore only had a small transport capacity - even after being converted with more modern technology - they still made trading with more primitive worlds easier. These ships became so popular that in the years following the dissolution of the Golden Fleet, they led to the development of their own type of spaceship that could also be used as a watercraft.

However, some of the ships also ended up in the hands of pirate groups. Since the sale of civilian spaceships is not so tightly controlled – anyone with a spaceship license can buy a civil spaceship – this was easy for the pirates. Most pirates acquired these ships for the same reasons as the cargo companies. These criminals use these spaceships as cargo shuttles to unload their loot unnoticed on worlds without spaceports.

One exception was a pirate group named "Danara's Revenge". This pirate gang initially had nothing to do with Danara. None of the members of this gang were from Golden League, let alone Danara.They were originally known as the gang of the pirate Bregg Sopax, who was known as "Bloody Dog". Sopax was one of the most notorious and successful pirates in the Pegasus galaxy before he had to flee from the authorities there to the Milky Way.
After "Bloody Dog" Sopax was arrested in June of the year 369 AJR, his gang was driven out of his area of operation by Sopax's rivals. They crossed the galaxy until they arrived in the former territory of the Golden League shortly after its demise. Here they renamed themselves "Danara's Revenge" and posed as a resistance group in the hope of attracting the population to their side. They overlooked the fact that with the exception of the population of Danara – they could not operate in the Danara star system due to the strong presence of the SGC – the population of the League had been more or less suppressed and was therefore quite happy about the downfall of the League.

"Danara's Revenge" modified the ships they had acquired, Ra'ac-class frigates and Ra'shame-class cruisers, with modern technologies. They replaced the original outer hull with a hull made of the Naquadah alloy "Dutaka", which is the standard in galactic spaceship construction.

The armament of the Golden Fleet, which consisted exclusively of particle beam cannons of various strengths – copies of an weapon system of the Al'ie, an repltiloid people, which, however, only used these weapons as CIWS – was replaced by the staff weapon systems common in the Milky Way. The small Ra'ac-class ships were armed with a 420 mm turret (standard armament of the Al'kesh, which were armed with two of these turrets) and two 280 mm turrets (secondary armament of the Jaffa nation's Te'Lru-class frigates).

The larger Ra'shame-class ships were armed by the pirate group with a 770 mm turret (the main armament of the nation's Na'sab-class destroyers), two 420 mm and four 280 mm turrets. In order to be able to use this armament on the ships, the pirates had to additionally equip the ships with modern energy storage units, as the ships' main energy source could not be replaced by modern energy cores. However, this meant that the ships were still able to operate for at least two weeks. Then the energy stores had to be replenished from an external energy source with the appropriate power.

The image shows the pirate group "Danara's Revenger" in battle with a Daw'Ria-class cruiser and two Na'Sab-class destroyers of the JNN.
You can also see two Onemeta-class freighters and a Kasha-class freighter in the background. These freighters, which have the same design as a Tel'tak but are 150 and 550 meters long respectively - instead of the 15 meters of a Tel'tak - are, together with the Tel'tak, the most common freighters in Jaffa space and are also very popular with pirates. They can easily be modified to be armed – these freighters are unarmed by default – and their widespread use means they can easily be submerged in normal shipping traffic. So these three ships are not harmless freighters either, but the actual pirate ships of this group before they acquired the ships from Danara.
Danara's Revenge II.jpg
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Last edited by Okwa on Mon Jul 08, 2024 1:23 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The sinking of the "Danara's Revenge"

Post by Alienizer »

@Okwa :o now you got me to read, couldn't stop, very interesting story :salute
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Re: The sinking of the "Danara's Revenge"

Post by Mike »

@Okwa Now I got curious to read it, I seldom do :lol: but wow, Chris, how do you come up with stories like this :?: :?:
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Re: The fall of the "Danara's Revenge"

Post by Okwa »

@Alienizer @Mike Many thanks.

Please don't laugh, but I really did dream the basic story, the fall of the Golden League of Danara. I was lucky enough to dream about my own AU 3 years ago. Right in the form of an SG episode, including opening and closing credits. And to remember almost everything the next day. I then immediately created a corresponding faction and a corresponding scene.
The story of this scene is simply a further development of the original story. The question is what will happen to the League fleet after the Great Powers have occupied Danara? Especially since the League's fleet has proven to be so catastrophically inferior. My answer is: The ships were sold. They are no different than civilian spaceships.

Oh, and I invented the character of Bregg "Bloody Dog" Sopax 5 years ago for another scene. I wanted to explain how pirates manage to pull off their raids in this AU. Military conflicts are by and large non-existent, except against the Mandrillus people, so pirates are practically the only really serious problem in this AU for the governments, especially the governments of the great powers, and their space fleets. In a way, the Mandrillus are also "just" pirates, only organized by a state, with a correspondingly large fleet and highly developed technology, which makes them exceptionally dangerous compared to other pirates.
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Re: The fall of the "Danara's Revenge"

Post by Alienizer »

@Okwa Well, that's really nice actually and I envy you because, many times I had dreams about a model that is so cool, I wake up all excited, get up and go drink some water then go back to bed thinking about, knowing that I will remember for sure when I wake up in the morning, but I do not, blank, nothing, all I remember is that it was a cool model but zero recollection of the model :cry: So you are very lucky that you can remember and able to continue your story from the dream. I only remember stupid dreams that makes no sense.
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Re: The fall of the "Danara's Revenge"

Post by Support »

Chris is a story genius :salute
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Re: The fall of the "Danara's Revenge"

Post by Okwa »

@Alienizer I absolutely understand that. That's exactly what happened to me for years. For 3-4 years now, I've been putting my cell phone on my bedside table with the memo app switched on when I go to bed. As soon as I wake up and have dreamt something, be it a design or a new people, I quickly write down key points in my cell phone. I've now got 2 new races and 6 designs this way.

@Support Now you're exaggerating, Michael! :P
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Re: The fall of the "Danara's Revenge"

Post by Support »

Okwa wrote: Tue Jul 09, 2024 1:48 am @Support Now you're exaggerating, Michael! :P
Not at all Chris, your stories are very much well thought of, and they make sense :salute
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Re: The fall of the "Danara's Revenge"

Post by Okwa »

Support wrote: Wed Jul 10, 2024 12:39 am
Okwa wrote: Tue Jul 09, 2024 1:48 am @Support Now you're exaggerating, Michael! :P
Not at all Chris, your stories are very much well thought of, and they make sense :salute
:oops: :mrgreen:
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