I've modified the rotation so that it's not linear, it was too robotic. Now it starts slower and end slower, very smooth.
Instead of setting the acceleration and rotation manually, you can now simply use the following functions...
Code: Select all
Roll(Angle, StartAt, EndAt);
Pitch(Angle, StartAt, EndAt);
Yaw(Angle, StartAt, EndAt);
py := Accelerate(Value, Units, StartAt, EndAt);
For the acceleration. Value and Units is the distance per seconds. Units can be Inches, Feet, Meters, Millimeters and Centimeters, and it will automatically convert the result to Inches for the px, py or pz that you use the function for. Example:
Code: Select all
// Accelerate 0.254 meters per second starting at one second into the video and end the acceleration at 15 seconds and keep a steady speed.
py := Accelerate(0.254, Meters, 1, 15);
// at 15 seconds, start to roll so that at 19 seconds, it will has rolled 90 degrees.
Roll(-90, 15, 19);
// at 19 seconds, pitch 180 degree within 4 seconds.
Pitch(180, 19, 23);
// at 19 seconds, roll 90 degree back withing 5 seconds.
Roll(90, 23, 28);