That's a nice and smooth animation

Code: Select all
Code: Select all
Units := Meters;
BlinkLight('emitter_blue_tailight', 2, 0, 999);
BlinkLight('emitter_stb_nav', 3, 0, 999);
BlinkLight('emitter_port_nav', 3, 0, 999);
BlinkLight('emitter_nav_light', 1, 0, 999);
Accelerate(py, 40, 2, 27);
DistDecelerate(py, 25, 27);
Yaw(-90, 30, 40);
Accelerate(py, 30, 42, 43);
if (sec >= 40) and (sec <= 42) then
CamRotX := -12/(2*fps);
if (sec >= 42) and (sec <= 52) then
CamPosY := py / 1.3;
Pitch(35, 46, 49);
if (sec >= 46) and (sec <= 49) then
CamRotX := -10/(3*fps);