Tranluscent material

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Tranluscent material

Post by stevo1 »

Hi, I have not used raylectron for a while but want to use it for something very specific. I wish to use a circular florescent tube and have frosted glass or semitransparent solid surface material. When this setup is mounted on a wall I wand to make the glass or semitransparent solid surface material glow, being back lit. Is this possible?

Screenshot 2024-03-02 200222.jpg
Screenshot 2024-03-02 200222.jpg (41.86 KiB) Viewed 5587 times
One image shows how I want it to look and the other is the setup. I am downloading the latest version of raylectron so I cant experiment for a while. Any hints on how to acheive this?
Screenshot 2024-03-02 205437.png
Screenshot 2024-03-02 205437.png (591.08 KiB) Viewed 5587 times
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Re: Tranluscent material

Post by Support »

Hello Steve,

Get rid of the tube and make a simple circle, then use the Offset tool to make another, smaller circle that would be the size of the bulb, then remove the inner face if there us one and keep or make a face in between the two circles, make it a group and paint the group with material you'll use as the emitter (prefix its name with Emitter to have Raylectron know). Have the front face facing the diffused plate so it can illuminate it. For the plate, remove all of its faces front and back material, group it and apply the material to the group. In Raylectron, set that material to "Frosted" and change the diffuse to how you like it to be. I didn't try this, but it should work. You can also set the Emitter's Coverage Angle from 180 to something more direct, like 20-60 to get the hollow effect on the plate if you don't get that at 180.
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Re: Tranluscent material

Post by stevo1 »

thank you, that was a bit hard to follow. Do you mean the emitter should be flat like my image?
circle.jpg (25.97 KiB) Viewed 5573 times
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Re: Tranluscent material

Post by Support »

Yes, that's exactly what I meant. I don't know why I made id so complicated!!!
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