Convering Material to Grass Fails

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Convering Material to Grass Fails

Post by Kedehern »

When I try to convert a material to grass, I get an ACCESS VIOLATION message, and Raylectron terminates or locks up. Do you have any suggestions? I am using the CPU version, the latest build (114).

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Re: Convering Material to Grass Fails

Post by Support »

It could be because there are too many blades, and you ran out of memory, or something else. Can you send a screen shot of your grass settings before you click Apply so I can visualize this?
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Re: Convering Material to Grass Fails

Post by Support »

Also, if all you want is grass, nothing special about it, then I would use the Assets instead. Basically, go to the Assets setting and click Add, then select Tall Grass. Once it loads, it'll show you a yellow box, don't bother with that and simply right click on the area where you want grass on (this will select the texture at that spot), this will tell the Asset to place grass on anything with that texture. The default number of instances is 100 but depending on the coverage area, you more likely need to put a lot more, but for now, click Apply so you can see the result with just 100. Change that to even 500,000 if you have to, it won't take much memory at all as no new geometry is created, so set that number so that the area is completely covered. You can change the scale of the grass too, just look at the settings and set them to what you like.
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Re: Convering Material to Grass Fails

Post by Kedehern »

I have attached a few screenshots. This is a new issue for me. In the past, I have made 10's of millions of poly for the grass. Now, I cannot create even one w/out an error.
Screenshot 2024-11-11 073441.png
Screenshot 2024-11-11 073441.png (914.72 KiB) Viewed 7766 times
Screenshot 2024-11-11 073342.png
Screenshot 2024-11-11 073342.png (751.24 KiB) Viewed 7766 times
Screenshot 2024-11-11 073051.png
Screenshot 2024-11-11 073051.png (286.76 KiB) Viewed 7766 times

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Re: Convering Material to Grass Fails

Post by Support »

Is the render going while you try to generate grass?
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Re: Convering Material to Grass Fails

Post by Kedehern »

Typically the renderer is working when I convert the material to grass. I'll try a few w/out it running and see what happens.

Using ASSETS was effective. Had to use 40,000 to cover the lawn but it was effective.

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Re: Convering Material to Grass Fails

Post by Support »

That's most of the problems, is making changes while it's rendering. The best way to avoid this is to stop the render and turn of Draft mode so it's a quick render when making changes. We should prevent setting changes while it's rendering, but we did not because it's not always a problem. When creating grass, it's actually creating geometry, same with assets. But for changing colors, sun position and things like that, it's ok if the render is going.
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Re: Convering Material to Grass Fails

Post by Kedehern »

Stopping the renderer while converting to grass eliminates the error message. It is still not generating grass now, but at least the errors and crashes have stopped.

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Re: Convering Material to Grass Fails

Post by Support »

What do you mean it's not generating grass? The number of faces that shows in the status bar stays the same even after you apply the grass?
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